Claudia's Square Foot Gardening 2010

The first years evolution of Claudia's Square Foot Garden can be found at -- There are many "how she did it" pictures to help you start your own square foot garden. This page continues the journey with this years garden. Claudia began planting this year in March 2010.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Well for the last month we have had overcast mornings with hot sunshine in the afternoons. It's a top 70 degrees out there now but the sun is hot and the tomatos are red and turning red. The lettuce has been growing well too. The real shocker this year is the bell peppers! They are growing like crazy. I didn't do anything different - I guess they just like the weather. The hot peppers have doing well also. The poor crop this year is the corn. It's the funniest corn I've ever seen with the ears growing out of the stock at ground level! The corn stock is only about 3 or 4 feet tall.
We have not had any gophers this year. We got out our sound stakes and put new batteries in them early. That may have helped or they may have just moved on to another neighborhood this year. All in all it has been a great gardening summer.