Claudia's Square Foot Gardening 2010

The first years evolution of Claudia's Square Foot Garden can be found at -- There are many "how she did it" pictures to help you start your own square foot garden. This page continues the journey with this years garden. Claudia began planting this year in March 2010.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 15 2008
Claudia Likes Variety

In the garden: tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, beets, jalapeno peppers, lettuce, yellow string beans, zucchini, swiss chard, rhubarb, eggplant, japanese eggplant, brussel sprouts,  collard greens, yellow squash, cucumbers, 7 different kinds of bell peppers, arugula, green onions, potatoes .  

In the green house: basil, cilantro, mint, curly leaf parsley, flat leaf parsley, water cress, broccoli,   cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant,  tomato tree, kohlrabi,  spaghetti squash, more bell peppers.